Friday, February 5, 2010

Date: 26-10-1997


I am surrounded with problems. I am on a trembling point. Any time I may fall from that. I am very anxious. I can not take any decision. I am miss-targeted by our teacher but I have no prove to get rid from them. Any time I may be shot by them. I may get TC for any small bad conduct. I have to be careful but what shall I do. My problems have no solution. I cannot tell anyone about this. But I have to tell. Neither I may not become natural. These problems are always burning me. I have none to tell these. My test examination is coming on 30-10-1997. I can not read well for these mental pressure. I want to get rid of these. Who can give me suggestion? Please help me.

Date: 07-10-1997


Our family is full of chaos and confusions. So, I could not meet you for a long time. There are quarrel (!?) between my parents. The result or effect comes upon me and my brother. We can not bear it. What shall we do? My SSC examination is coming soon. My test examination will start at thirtieth October. My studies are not completed. I think I can nt be able to appear at SSC. None of my parents take care of my studies. None make me awake at night. I think I may fail at test examination. So I want suggestions. Who can give me? I am anxious. I can not give up my anxiety. Please help me. I want to leave my house. And I may leave any tme. I can not bear these. Wish you good luck. Pray for me.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Date: 12-05-1997

day time

Today is a happy day for me. I get a new bicycle. it was 'PHONEX'. Its number is VY684759. but the cycle is not so good. It's very heavy to ride on. OK, bye for today. See you again. Wish you good luck.

N.B. : The bicycle was lost in the year of 1999 or 2000

Date: 25-02-1997


Today I bought a note book to write my dairy there. It costs only TK28. I bought it when I was going to school. I bought two blank cassettes too. I am very sad today. We have some dis-order in our family for some days long. Now I shall not write. Bye...

Date: 27-01-1997


Twenty seventh January 1997. It is 10:37 o'clock. Today I was very busy when I ate 'Sehri'. I had to do works because my mother was asleep. After Sehri I have done three or four sums. Then I go to my another teacher's house in 'Sailen para'. Coming back from there I put my books and khatas in right place, read news paper. Then I wrote my today's diary.

Date: 26-01-1997


Twenty sixth January 1997. Today I awake at 4:25 in the morning. I ate my meal called 'Sehri' with my father and his brother. Then I go to my teacher's house. Before going there Iwrote two e poems. Coming back from there I tore my poems' paper because I was angry then. Bye...

Date 25-01-1997

Time : 10:40pm-11:00pm

Today is twenty fifth January 1997. it is night and 10 passed 40 o'clock. My mother, brother, maternal uncle, maternal aunt and grandfather is sleeping. My fatherand his elder brother is in their elder sister's house. I think there must a meeting going on. They all gathered at 9pm. It is 15th Ramadan. I can't sleep because my brother is in my bed. So, I have no place to sleep.
My father comes at ten passed 45 o'clock. There was really a great meeting. Everything for decoration is ready. Now my brother will go and then I should sleep. It is eleven o'clock and I am going to sleep. I was doing my elective mathematics. I done about 10 sums. O.K. Now I am stopping my diary writing. Good Bye...